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Don't ban the keeping of short-nosed (brachycephalic) dog breeds

363 signatures

The Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Mr. P.Adema, intends to introduce a ban on keeping short nosed dog (brachycephalic) breeds in the Netherlands. Many owners of these breeds are against this because practice shows that, if bred correctly, the short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds are in fact healthy.

Partly due to the one-sided exposure of the case by the media, an incorrect image has been created with regard to the health of these breeds.

Certified breeders and breed specialists have not been sufficiently heard during this decision-making process.



Passionate enthusiasts, owners, certified breeders and breed specialists of brachycephalic breeds in the Netherlands.


establish that:

That introducing a ban on keeping brachycephalic breeds is undesirable and unlawful.


and request

Minister Adema to waive the ban on keeping brachycephalic breeds, and also request the minister to enter into discussion with certified breeders and breed specialists.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Ilona Janssen 
Vrienden Geen houdverbod Kortsnuitige Hondenrassen in Nederland 

